Montag, 7. Oktober 2019

Could I Undrink The Poison of This Love

Could I Undrink The Poison of This Love

  Could I undrink the poison of this love,
Unwhisper of thy voice my memory,
Unwitch yon ghost whose vision from above
Invades my mind, evokes my misery,
  Could I unburry thee and from this grave,
This coffin in my brain, undig thine image,
Surrender thee to heaven and unslave
Me from the horrors of unholy homage,
  Then peaceful would my soul in blissful rapture
Soar through the realm of God’s eternal pardon,
Of Adam and of Eve—not of that creature
That tempted them to sin in Eden’s Garden;
  Thou vicious Love, thou serpent hast me slain:
As Abel am I butchered, cursed like Cain!

                                                                                                                                          Rolf-Peter Wille


In this Shakespeare style sonnet I am playing with [a parody of] Early Modern ("Elizabethan") English.

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